Raspberry Meringue Pie with Mile High Meringue
Serves 12
45 mins prep
45 mins cook
120 mins chill
90 mins total
This raspberry meringue pie has a silky smooth raspberry curd topped with a tower of Italian meringue - all on the flakiest all butter pie crust. The raspberry curd filling is incredible: luscious, tangy, PACKED with raspberry flavor and super creamy! If you love lemon meringue pie and raspberries, then this one is for you.
Pie Crust (optionally, use a premade pie crust)
Raspberry Curd Pie Filling
Italian Meringue
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Pie Crust (optionally, use a premade pie crust)
Cut the butter into small, 1/4" cubes. Place them on a plate and freeze for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix together the ice water and vinegar in a separate cup.
⅕ cup unsalted butter⅕ cup ice water⅕ tablespoon vinegarIn a food processor or a large bowl, combine flour and salt. Mix well with a whisk or a spoon.
¼ cup all purpose flour⅕ teaspoon sea saltCut the butter into the flour mixture with a knife or by pulsing the food processor. You want larger pea sized pieces of butter with smaller breadcrumbs.
Gradually, add the ice water mixture tablespoon by tablespoon into the flour and butter mixture, mixing just until a dough forms. There should still be some dry pieces - it shouldn't be too wet.
As soon as a dough forms, flatten and fold it two times to create layers. This will help incorporate any dry bits of dough. Shape into a disk and wrap with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Remove the dough from fridge and roll it out on a lightly floured surface to about 1/8 -1/4 inch thick.
Transfer into an ungreased pie plate and help the crust fall into the plate without stretching the dough. Trim any excess dough (if any), leaving a 1” or 2.5 cm overhang. Tuck the overhang under the dough to create a crust and crimp the crust with your fingers or a fork.
Place the pie crust in the freezer for 10 minutes to chill again. Preheat oven to 365°F (185°C).
Place a piece of parchment paper into the chilled crust and pour pie weights or dry, raw beans into the parchment paper. This is to weigh the pie crust down as it bakes. Bake on top of a larger baking sheet for 25 minutes.
Remove the pie crust from the oven and very carefully transfer the parchment paper with beans into a heat safe bowl to cool. While the crust is still hot, brush 1 whisked egg white (reserve the yolk for the filling) from the raspberry curd all over the crust, avoiding the top edge.
⅕ egg whitePoke the bottom of the crust with a fork and place it back into oven to bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. If the edges are browning too quickly, tent some aluminum foil all along the edges, leaving the middle exposed.
You can start on the filling while it bakes.
Raspberry Curd Pie Filling
In a heavy bottomed saucepan, whisk the cornstarch and granulated sugar to get rid of any lumps.
⅕ cup granulated sugar1 tablespoons corn starchSeparate the yolks and whites from 6 eggs. Place the whites into a separate container, making sure that no pieces of egg yolk get into the whites. Cover the whites and place them in the fridge for the meringue.
1 large egg yolksAdd the 6 egg yolks into the saucepan.
Add the leftover egg yolk from the crust into the saucepan. Crack one whole egg right into the saucepan as well.
Whisk the egg and sugar mixture by hand briefly, until all the yolks are broken up.
⅕ large eggAdd the raspberries, lemon juice, and lemon zest into the egg mixture. Heat on medium-low heat, stirring constantly so that it doesn't burn.
3 ½ oz raspberries⅓ lemons⅕ cup lemon juiceHeat until it comes to a simmer and thickens, for about 10 minutes. It will become a thick porridge-like texture. Once thickened, add the butter and salt, and whisk to combine on low heat.
⅕ cup unsalted butter⅕ teaspoon sea saltStrain the raspberry curd through a mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the seeds. Work in batches to make it easier. This will take about 10 minutes but it's so worth it for a smooth, seedless, creamy filling.
Transfer the warm filling into the cooked and cooled pie crust, smoothing the top over. Press a piece of plastic wrap or parchment paper right onto the top of the curd so that it doesn’t form a film. Refrigerate until completely cooled and set, about 2-4 hours. Don't freeze it because the filling won't set when frozen due to the cornstarch.
Italian Meringue
In a small saucepan, combine the sugar and water and stir. Use a pastry brush moistened with water to brush down any sugar crystals off the sides of the bowl. Insert a candy thermometer into the saucepan.
¼ cups granulated sugar1 tablespoons waterLet it come to a simmer on low heat. Once the sugar dissolves, stop stirring. Bring it to soft ball stage, 235°F (115°C). While the sugar syrup is heating up - work on the next step.
If you don’t have a candy or instant read thermometer: you can test if the sugar syrup is up to temp by dropping it into a cup full of ice water. If the drop of sugar makes a soft and squishy ball, then it’s ready to go.
While the sugar is getting to temperature, beat the egg whites and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with the whisk attachment (in a stand mixer is ideal) until medium peaks form.
1 large egg whites⅕ teaspoon lemon juiceSlowly pour the hot sugar syrup into the side of the bowl with the mixer running on high speed. Add the vanilla extract and salt while the mixer is still running. Keep the mixer on high speed, whisking until the egg whites increase in volume and the bowl comes to room temperature.
⅕ teaspoon pure vanilla extract⅕ teaspoon sea saltSpread the meringue over the chilled and filled pie, starting with a thin layer, spreading it all the way to the crust, sealing in the filling. Pile the rest on top and make swoops with a spoon or spatula.
Use a kitchen torch to toast the mountain of meringue. You can also use the broil function in your oven. Keep a close eye on it at all times so that it doesn't burn, and rotate frequently.
Slice and serve immediately or store uncovered in the fridge for up to 8 hours before serving. Italian meringue is quite stable, but it can weep a little moisture while it's stored for longer. That doesn't mean that it isn't good to eat anymore!